A Day of Love
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. This holiday in particular shines a spotlight on the romantic relationship status of all of us – whether...
One Day At a Time
To be honest, I wasn’t planning to write about this topic today, but in the spirit of keeping it real, here goes. I’ve had a doozy of a...
What kind of a “beginner” are you? Here are four types: The Bottle Rocket: I start strong but flame out early. The Gear Head: I buy all...
Small Gifts
We all know the saying, “Good things come in small packages.” Things like engagement rings or tickets to go on a cruise. One year for...
Light Your Candle
When I was in sixth grade, my Dad gave me money to buy my Mom a Christmas present. I couldn’t decide what to get until I was at a florist...
When we feel our lives have been broken, we have a choice. We can stay that way or learn what it can teach us to make us stronger. It makes...
Different personalities fascinate me. I grew up amongst mostly reserved people, but I gravitate toward “big personalities.” I like when...
I grew up in Minnesota where in late summer, both of my Grandmothers canned pickles, peaches, pears, cherries, and more. My Mom did once in...
The Harbor
Life is hard for all of us at times. The other day I met one of my neighbors who had sold his house and was about to move after a series of...
A few times in my life I’ve experienced “tiny house living.” More, if I count my dorm rooms in college or traveling as a singer on a...