What comes to mind when you think of peace? Maybe you see a location where everything is tranquil in the environment you are in. Maybe...
I’m writing this during the first week of Advent and the theme is Hope! In many Christian homes around the world, a candle is lit on each...
Small Gifts
We all know the saying, “Good things come in small packages.” Things like engagement rings or tickets to go on a cruise. One year for...
The Switch
As I’m writing this, it’s Santa Ana season here in Southern California. The Santa Ana winds can be strong and dangerous as they come...
Light Your Candle
When I was in sixth grade, my Dad gave me money to buy my Mom a Christmas present. I couldn’t decide what to get until I was at a florist...
When we feel our lives have been broken, we have a choice. We can stay that way or learn what it can teach us to make us stronger. It makes...
Aurora Borealis
In the spring and summer of 2024, millions of people around the world witnessed the stunning display of the Aurora Borealis in the skies....
Different personalities fascinate me. I grew up amongst mostly reserved people, but I gravitate toward “big personalities.” I like when...
True or False
Isn’t it fascinating to realize that people have been making idols to worship for thousands and thousands of years? You can go to a...
Who doesn’t love the word free? Buy one, get one free. Free from pain. Free to go. Free at last! Here’s a free thought for you to think...