Written by 11:26 am Choices, Encouragement


What kind of a “beginner” are you? Here are four types:

  • The Bottle Rocket: I start strong but flame out early.
  • The Gear Head: I buy all the gear, like a gym membership, new running shoes, clothes, and equipment, fully believing they will make the difference this time.
  • The Sneaky Starter: I sort of commit by throwing my cigarettes in the trash, then dig them out later. Or I put the alcohol aside for “Dry January” but don’t pour it down the drain. Note: This sneaky “half-commitment” technique can also apply to food, gambling, porn…whatever addiction you’re struggling with.
  • The Prepper: I buy books and go to seminars, make charts, take notes and delay actually working on my goals so long that they fade away.

Or maybe you’re the elusive fifth type of beginner: when you start something, you stick to it from the moment you start! The rest of us salute you! 😉

The vast majority of us have experienced one or more of the first four “beginner methods” and have tapped out before reaching our goal. In fact, the second Friday in January is Quitters Day, a sarcastic acknowledgement that about ⅔ of us abandon our New Year’s resolutions in the first month. So what’s the deal?

Amped up emotions can only take us so far. Saying “I’ll never, ever do that again” or “I will always do this for the rest of my life” may be ambitious with high motivation, but that kind of drive fades. One backslide and it’s easy to think, “Well I failed, so big deal, I’ll give myself some slack and…” Wait a minute. That’s the first fork in the road between being a quitter or an overcomer.

Only you know what’s at stake for you.

The Bible says our actions are connected to our outcome in life in 2 Corinthians 9:6:

“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”

If we make bad choices, over time they add up and cause more and more damage. To your health and body. To your finances. To your relationships. To your future.

The Bible also says in Galatians 6:7:

“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” 

Everything begins with a beginning.

Both good choices and bad choices.

Which harvest do you choose?

RESET HIGHER: Think about what you want to change in your life and use these tools to help you commit and stick to the plan. Don’t forget to ask God for His mighty help too! Start today.

  • Begin with small, short-term goals
  • Be persistent and reset again right away if you have a setback
  • Find a partner or group for support and accountability 

You CAN do this!

© 2025 Linda Carlberg

Photo Credit: s_kawee / Envato

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