Written by 8:45 pm Encouragement

Being Still

This morning I woke up thinking about how distracted I am by so many things. I have enough thoughts bouncing around my brain as it is, but using my phone and tablet add a tidal wave. Especially in the morning when I’m just starting my day.

Today I decided to open the window and listen instead. Right now it’s early summer in Southern California and the birds are singing and chattering and peeping with each other about this sunny day. I listened some more and heard their different voices and pitches and rhythms. Then I thought about how God made each one, each different species, and the music they were making called to me to remember Him. The Creator of all. The Creator of me. The Giver of this day.

It made me realize how careless I’ve become in what I allow into my mind. Just because something pops up on my screen or is available to watch or read doesn’t mean it should take up space in my head, pushing out what could be there instead. I can only discover this place if I am still. Listening….

The first part of Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Simply listening to the birds today brought me a fresh reminder of that truth.

RESET HIGHER: Put down your devices and go outside or find another place to be still today. In the morning, at lunch, in the evening or whatever time works for you. Open the window of your soul and hear what God has to say to you. Listen to what you’ve been missing. Make this a part of every day He gives you.

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Being Still

© 2024 Linda Carlberg

Photo Credit: BilberryPhotography / Envato

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